1. Technical Festival - ‘Zephyr 2020’

DATE: 17th & 18th October, 2020
❖ AntiChess
Who would win when your opponent decides which chess piece you'll move next? An online chess game with an interesting twist. In Antagonist Chess, the Opposing team or individual will name a Chess piece and only that chess piece could be used by the other team or player and vice-versa. Note that the player has complete authority about the number of steps and direction in which the piece would be moved, given that they use the chosen piece.
Position, Name of Participant
1. Vasu Jivani
2. Dhruv Ravindra
❖ Reel Life
A Guessing game, where the participants have to guess the movie, series, cartoon, dialogue, etc which will be presented to them in either Gibberish, Emojis, or any other form. Teams have to guess the answers and points will be allotted to them based on that.
Position, Name of Participant
1. Vivek Tiwari, Shriyansh Singh & Aniket Singh
2. Karthik Amin, Shubham Jaiswal & Abhishek Gupta
❖ Zoom In
A random object or sound judging game of two rounds, wherein within the first round a small part of a picture will be displayed on the screen in enlarged form. Here the participants will have to identify the object in the image by only looking at a part of it. The second round will be a sound gauging round, random noise like crushing a bag of chips will be played for the participants and they have to identify the action behind that sound.
Position, Name of Participant
1. Vivek Tiwari, Shudhanshu Singh & Shriyansh Singh
2. Chaitali Shashikant Rajhans, Simran Nasruddin Batada & Ketaki Kishor Belwalkar
❖ Style It!
This is a webpage stylizing contest, where a common for all sample HTML code will be allotted to every participant. Participants will then have to use their creativity and build suitable CSS for that webpage.
Position, Name of Participant
1. Anmol Gupta
2. Shudhanshu Singh
3. Vishal Thakur
❖ WFH Capture Your Moment
A short film making competitions where participants will have to make a short video which is either entertaining, DIY, informational or of any other genre of their choice, on the topic - Work from Home (WFH). Participants can use their creativity while making this video. Videos should range from 2-5 minutes each.

DATE: 29th August 2020
IETE-TCET conducted a membership drive on 29th August 2020, via Zoom, in order to update and inform the students of SE Electronics about the various benefits of a member of IETE. A presentation was prepared by the Core Committee to explain the students in-depth about the whole membership process. The presentation summarized about IETE and IETE-TCET as a professional body approved by the Government of India. Different examples based on past events and the future tentative events were used in order to provide a better understanding. It was emphasized that by being an IETE member will not only improve one’s technical or hard skills but also soft skills and confidence. At the end of the presentation, there was a Q&A session where students asked their doubts regarding the drive which were promptly answered by the faculty members as well as the committee members. The session then ended by circulating a feedback form to the students where they could express their thoughts on the conduction of session. The drive was successfully conducted under the guidance of faculty members and the contribution of the committee members as well as the student participants.


DATE: 5th September 2020
A trivial Quiz Competition named “Let’s get Trivial” was conducted by IETE. A total of 61 students (17 teams) registered for this activity. The quiz was divided into two rounds with an additional tie-breaker round in case of a draw between teams. MCQ questions were asked in the first round by circulating a Google form to all the registered team members while the second round was held for the qualifiers. The 2nd Round included logo and personality guessing questions. The additional round was a tie breaker round which included tagline guessing questions. The second round took place between the top 6 teams from the first round. After scoring the second round the top 3 teams were declared. Within these teams there was a tie for the first place between the top 2 teams and the third place was given to the third team. A tie-breaker was held between the top 2 teams to decide the first and second place. The team which gave the most correct answer in this tie-breaker round was given first place while the other team was given the second place.
The marking scheme was as follows:
Round 1: Correct answer = 01 Point Wrong answer = 00 Point
Round 2: Correct answer = 10 Points Wrong answer = -05 Point
Place, Year, Team Members
1st-BE-Shivam Mishra, Swapnil Bhagat and Anish Rao
2nd-TE-Shivang Bhargav, Janhvi Pimaplkar, Bhagyalaxmi Kamath and Ishaan Shinde
3rd-SE-Shantanu Kudav, Pritika Gharat, Shruti Bajoria and Nihar Dalvi

DATE:12th September 2020
In order to encourage students to improve their vocational, presentation and concentration levels under pressure, IETE-TCET conducted a debate competition named Expression of Ideas on 12th September, 2020 via Zoom. The total number of participants was 19 which included students from SE, TE and BE respectively, distributed in a total of 6 teams. The competition comprised of two rounds with a fixed set of rules and guidelines that were to be followed by every participant. The topics for each team for the 1st Round was circulated immediately after the closing of registration while the topics for the 2nd Round was provided 30 minutes before conducting Round 2. The for and against side of a topic was decided separately by calling a representative from each team forward and flipping a virtual coin. Round 1 commenced sharply at 1:00pm for the first two teams, which included subrounds like Introduction, Discussion, Cross-Questioning and Conclusion. Round 2 was conducted at 5.30 pm for the top two qualifying teams from the 1st Round. The guidelines followed for the 2nd Round were similar to the 1st Round. Winners and Qualifiers were decided by the faculty moderators on the basis of pre-defined rubrics made especially for this competition.
Place, Year, Team Members
1st-SE-Sachin Tiwari, Shriyansh Singh, Shudhanshu Singh, JananiMenon
Runner Up-TE-Mansi Mishra, Shivang Bhargav, Ishaan Shinde
DATE: 19th September 2020
In order to introduce students to wider opportunities while pursuing higher studies and all factors related to it, IETE-TCET conducted an Alumni Interaction on 19th September, 2020 via Zoom. The speaker was Mr. Hari Khatavkar, an alumnus of TCET Electronics department from the 2019 Batch. Mr. Hari is currently pursuing MS from the University of Connecticut, United States with a major in Business Analytics and Project Management focusing on Data Science. The webinar started with the introduction of speaker, done by one of the core members. Following that Mr. Hari started his presentation, through which he guided each and every participant about the roadmap and prerequisites to consider when pursuing higher studies. Mr. Hari explained all these fundamentals based on his first-hand experience. The session then proceeded towards the Q&A round where the participants were allowed to directly voice their queries to the speaker. All these queries were then precisely answered by Mr. Hari.

DATE: 10th October 2020
On the 10th of October IETE-TCET conducted a game of pictionary called Circuit Device Pictionary via Google form, for the students of SE, TE and BE. A total of 39 Students from all three years registered for this activity. Out of which 28 students participated and filled the google form that was circulated for this game. This game comprised of pictures of circuit diagrams, devices, circuit boards and commonly used components of electronics. The participants were then required to guess the correct technical name of that circuit or device and answer by either typing that name in lowercase letters or by selecting the correct option within the given time limit. A total of 20 questions were prepared for this game on a google form. The google form was circulated at 12pm sharp and was supposed to be filled by the participants before 1pm. After the link was closed, the answers were then manually graded and as per the rules, students with maximum number of correct answers and quickest submissions were declared winners.
Place, Year, Student Name, Score
1st-SE-Aniket Singh-19/20
2nd-SE-Chandan Pal-19/20
3rd-SE-Amarnath Gupta-19/20

DATE: 24th October 2020
In order to guide students on how to build an Application from scratch, IETE-TCET conducted a Workshop on Android App Development on 24th October, 2020 via Zoom. It was an interactive session where students of all classes i.e. SE, TE and BE participated. The speaker and conductor for our workshop was Mr. Lovlesh Dagar from TE ELEX. Mr. Lovlesh has completed a 6 month internship from Management ME – School of Confidence, a career counselling center. He also developed an Application for the same institute. Additionally, he had also participated in the NASA Space App Challenge 2019 and qualified for the Finals by creating a website for the same. He has also developed Electronics Department’s Iot-SIAC website. The workshop started with the introduction of the conductor by one of the core members. Following that Mr. Lovlesh explained Android history and the framework of designing an Application in a short presentation. After which he quickly moved to practical implementation and guided the participants through the nuances and procedure of building an application from scratch.

DATE: 07th November 2020
The Mini/Minor Project Exhibition was organized by IETE-TCET for Odd Semester of A.Y. 2020-21. This activity was conducted for the students of SE and TE as a part of the curriculum. Generally, students present the working model of their project based on a particular domain. However, this year due to the pandemic situation, students were instead guided to present their project titles through a poster. A poster format, which followed standard criteria was provided to each and every group prior to the event. Students were required to follow this format mandatory while preparing their respective posters. The exhibition was conducted on 7th November, 2020 via Zoom platform. The main Zoom meeting was divided into 6 respective breakout rooms. Each of these breakout room consisted of 2 Panelist (Faculty members), 1 to 2 Student Co-coordinators (Core Committee members) and 5 to 6 student groups. Panelists in each room listened to the presentation from each group and inspected their prepared posters. They also simultaneously graded them depending on their knowledge, ability to put forth their ideas and the overall
execution. The top three groups based on the highest scores were selected from both SE and TE respectively. Thus the event was conducted smoothly with the cooperation of all the professors, coordinators and students.
Roll No. - Student Name
1-Shruti Bajoria
4-Nihar Dalvi
6-Pritika Gharat
13-Hrishikesh Indulkar
22-Shantanu Kudav
49-Ritik Singh
45-Aniket Singh
46-Ayush Singh
47-Chhayank Singh
48-Namit Singh
57-Gaurang Vishwakarma
25-Rahul Mourya
20-Swati Khanna
23-Janani Menon
29-Hritik Pal
37-Rohit Rawal
38-Santosh Saw
41-Akshata Sharma
15-Dipesh Jain
28-Chandan Pal
32-Ishika Phatke
43-Neerul Sharma
61-Dhruv Shelke
62-Raj Burde
7-Kulin Goyal
9-Aniket Gupta
35-Prachi Rai
44-Aashi Shrivastava
56-Neha Vinamra
2-Shaffique Barudgar
55-Teerthraj Verma
31-Vikram Pathak
33-Prithvi Poojary
10-Anmol Gupta
8-Amarnath Gupta
3-Mayur Chavan
06-Omkar Chaudhary
66-Lovlesh Dagar
67-Vinay Manala
68-Nitesh Mourya
69-Neha Salvi
71-Abhimanyu Yadav
47-Aftab Sayyed
58-Omkar Shirke
48-Purva Virkar
56-Kaustubh Patil
36-Akanksha Sharma
31-Varsha Rai
27-Amankhan Pathan
43-Rohan Singh