Introduction to IETE Seminar
The main aim of the seminar was to introduce the Professional body of Electronics
branch - “IETE Committee” to the students and to explain its role in their
education. The Seminar began with the introduction of the core committee
members after which the students were given a rough outline about the activities
that were going to be conducted by the IETE Committee for this semester.

Technical Quiz Competition
The “Technical Quiz Competition” was conducted on 20 th July 2018. The event
was conducted for Third Year Electronics department students to test their
intellect, technical as well as general knowledge. All the students had actively
participated in the event and showed great enthusiasm, which lead to the successful
completion of the event. The main objective of this activity was to encourage
students to look beyond their textual knowledge and establish a relationship
between theory and applications of the learnt concepts. Since it was a team event,
it enabled the students to work in harmony and as a team.

Technical Seminar on Automation
Students were given a brief introduction about the Industrial Automation using
PLC (Programmable Logic Controllers) on 27 th July 2018 for S.E ETRX students.
The main objective of the session was to elucidate the students about automation
and its benefits all over the world. The basic of automation, its types and its
applications were discussed in the seminar. The major components of PLC were
also discussed along with its programming languages. The highlight of the seminar
was the use of practical kits to explain various concepts of automation that not only
made the session more interesting but prevented it from being monotonous and

Technical Seminar on Software Automation and
Workshop on “Software Automation and Testing” was conducted on 27 th August
2018 for T.E ETRX students. Software Automation and testing is a method in
Software Testing that makes use of special software tools to control the execution
of tests and then compares actual test results with predicted or expected results.
The main objective of this seminar was to develop an interest and inclination
among the students towards a new domain of the IT industry i.e. Software Testing.

Seminar - Internet of Things
The Seminar on “Internet of Things” was conducted on 24 th August 2018.The event
was conducted for students of Electronics department to introduce them with the
concept of IOT. Knowing the latest trends and opportunities it will provide in the
near future, it is very important for the students to keep up in this competitive

Case Study Competition
Seminar on “Case Study Competition” was conducted on 31 st August 2018.The
students were introduced with the idea of problem solving. Students were
introduced with project “NITI Aayog- Pune Smart City Hackathon Competition”
that was initiated by our honorable PM Mr. Narendra Modi. Actual problem
statements of that Hackathon competition were discussed along with their
respective solutions.

Local Industrial Visit
A mini industrial visit was conducted on 19 th September, 2018 to ADNANI
ELECTRICITY MUMBAI LTD. The students were introduced to the technologies
used over there such as SCADA (Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition).
They were given knowledge of how electricity is generated and transmitted to
various regions of Mumbai. The main objective of the industrial visit was to
provide the students an insight regarding the internal working of the industry. Also
it helps to combine the theoretical knowledge of the students with the practical
knowledge. In general students were made to understand how ‘MUMBAI

Mini Project Exhibition 2018
“Mini Project Exhibition 2018” was organized on 5th October, 2018 to provide the
students of Electronics Engineering a platform to display innovative projects made
by them. These projects were based on an array of domains ranging from VLSI,
Electronic Devices, Automation, Embedded Systems, etc. There was hundred
percent participation and impressive projects were exhibited. Projects were also
being judged upon various parameters such as innovation, project development etc
by the judges. Depending upon the evaluation of the judges, the best projects were
declared as winners.