IETE-TCET student forum was formed in our institute in academic year 2011-12 and it was inaugurated by Dr. J W Bakal, Chairman I.E.T.E Mumbai Section. At present there are 268 student members and some applications are still in process. The number of students will increase in next academic year. IETE-TCET forum has conducted several events for the overall development of students of this institute.
The Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers (IETE) is India's leading recognised professional society devoted to the advancement of Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication & IT. The IETE focuses on advancement of the Science and Technology of Electronics, Telecommunication, Computers, Information Technology and related areas. The Institution provides leadership in Scientific and Technical areas of direct importance to the national development and economy. The IETE conducts and sponsors technical meetings, conferences, symposia, and exhibitions all over India, publishes technical journals and provides continuing education as well as career advancement opportunities to its members.
Knowledge sharing.
To inculcate professional and ethical attitude towards students.
Learning and career enhancement.
Nurturing new talent and innovation.
Reaching the un-reached and empowering the youth through Technical Education and Skill Development.
Advancement of Electronics, Telecommunication, Information Technology & other related disciplines to contribute in Nation’s Human Resource & Infrastructure Development through our Engineers