Workshop on Photoshop

The Photoshop workshop was held at 8th September 2017 from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm during the activity period.
The workshop was taken by three final year student (Mr. Vishnu Nair, Mr. Shubham Singh and Mr. Prateek Walawalkar) from B.E. ETRX.
Students showed active participation in the workshop thus making it more interesting.
The art of basic as well as professional Photoshop was thus thoroughly given to the students who attended the workshop.
Debate Competition
The debate competition was held on 1 st of September 2017 during the activity hours i.e. from 3:30pm to 5:30 pm.
The topics for debate were given on the spot thus encouraging the students to put their best to speak for or against the topic in just a minimal thinking time.
The students were judged in groups thus encouraging active participation of each and every
member of the group to speak for their teams to achieve the first place.
1st Prize:
Aditya Singh, Richa Pandey, Akshay Nair, Prince Kothari & Keyur Lodha (SE ETRX)
2nd Prize:
Akshay Prabhu, Paramjeet Singh, Rohit Anchan, Yash Patel, Navneet Sharma, Suyath Pandey(TE ETRX)

Technical Quiz competition

The technical quiz was conducted for Second year and the Third year students of the ETRX department by the IETE committee on 18 th August 2017 between 3: 30pm to 5:30pm during activity hour.
The quiz was aimed to test the technical knowledge, general knowledge and aptitude of the students.
The difficulties of the various sections were set accordingly for the Third Year and the Second
Year students ensuring that the students can solve the questions with ease.
Mr. Yashodhan Wagle (1st Rank)
Mr. Jayank Panchal (2nd Rank)
Mr. Prasann Patil (3rd Rank)
Mr. Akshay D. Prabhu (1st Rank)
Mr. Ashish Yadav (2nd Rank)
Mr. Maruti Muthu (3rd Rank)
Technical Seminar
Students were given basic knowledge of electronic instrumentation and measurement system. The main objective of this seminar was to make students understand about the basic concept of process control instruments and various process involve in industry.The basics of instrumentation discussed in the session was temperature controller, thermocouple, RTD (Resistance Temperature Dependent), and applications.
Students were given basic knowledge of Smart Water Management and projects related to the topic. Utkarsh Narain sir had given introduction about water management and different examples like at construction sites etc. where this management technique can be used. It covered all the basic concepts and also the business aspect of the project.

Poster Making Competition

A Poster Making Competition based on the “Program Outcomes” was conducted on 21st July 2017.
The major objective behind the competition was to make students understand Program Outcomes.
It would help students understand challenges when working in a competitive environment and will be able to express things more precisely.
Mahima Gandhi & Nidhi (1st Rank)
Sarvesh Sawantt & Rahul Kini (2nd Rank)
Suraj Rai & Mahendra (3rd Rank)
Project Exhibition
The project exhibition was conducted in the odd semester of A.Y. 2017-18 for TE and SE students as a part of their curriculum under the syllabus of Mumbai University. There were in all 21 project groups.
Developing a project gives hands on practice for the domains studied in engineering. Following were the domains of the project:
Embedded Systems and Design
Electronic Devices & Circuits Modeling & Simulation
Industrial Automation & Control, Instrumentation,
Digital System Design & VLSI
Signal Processing & Applications
The event was judged by Dr. Sangeeta Mishra (Associate Professor, EXTC), Mr. Krishna Gaikwad (Associate Professor, MECH) and Dr. Sanjay Patil (Associate Professor, ETRX).

Circuit Designing
Students were given an array of technical topics to choose. These topics were based on the Program Specific Objectives and Program Outcomes of the Electronics Engineering Domain. The main objective of this competition was to enable the participants to present their concept and perception in an innovative and creative way.
The main motive of the event was to introduce the circuit understanding skill within the student.
The event was judged by Mrs.Archana Belge(Associate Professor,ETRX), Mr.Sunil Khatri(Associate Professor,ETRX) and Mrs.Jyoti Kori (Associate Professor,ETRX).

Debate Competition

The debate competition was held on 9th of March 2018 during the activity hours i.e. from 3:30 pm to 5:30 pm.
The topics for debate were given for encouraging the students to put their best to speak for or against the topic in just a minimal thinking time.
The students were judged in groups’ thus encouraging active participation of each and every member of the group to speak for their teams to achieve the first place.
The event was judged by Mrs.Archana Belge (Associate Professor) and Mr. Sunil Khatri.
Winners -Naman Shah
Archit J
Hari Khatavkar
Rahul Kini
Sarvesh Sawant
Shubham Shukla
Technical Seminar
Technical seminar helped students to learn more about “what is arduino?” and its applications. This seminar also provided information about different types of modules such as Bluetooth module i.e. A Bluetooth module is usually a hardware component that provides a wireless product to work with the computer; or in some cases, the bluetooth may be an accessory or peripheral, or a wireless headphone or other product (such as cellphones can use).
The lecture was delivered by Mr.Ratnesh Singh, Mr.Anilkumar Yadav and Ms.Neha Sonawadekar.


The project roadmap is a graphical, high level overview of the project’s goals and deliverables presented on a timeline. Unlike the project plan where details are fleshed out, the roadmap should be simple and free of minutiae. This makes the project roadmap a useful tool for managing communicating plans and coordinating resources with other teams. A good project plan makes any project making easier.
The lecture was delivered by Dr.S.C. Patil(Associate Professor).
Conclave:3-D Printing
In this session trainer explained in detail about 3d printing, material used and different types of modelling. Trainer explained that 3D Printing is an Additive Manufacturing technique that creates a physical object from a virtual 3D CAD model by depositing successive layers of material. They work like the traditional inkjet printers, but instead of ink, a 3D printer deposits desired material to manufacture an object from its digital format.
1.Sarvesh Sawant
Anushka Sawant
Anshul Singh
Richa Pandey
2.Shachi Singh
Sohail Khan
Rishabh Dubey
Kaushal Tiwari
Mahima Gandhi
Kinjal Desai

Conclave:Sixth Sense Robotics
Sixth Sense Robotics conclave covered two aspects i.e. Microcontrollers & Robotics and Image Processing.
Students were explained about image processing and implementation of the same was performed in this session by making a ball following robot.
Ball Following Robot-The Students made a Robot which was be able to follow a ball using the camera attached. The programming and concept was taught in detail.
1.Rohit Anchan
Pawan Sakpal
2.Keyur Lodha
Prince Kothari
Jayank Panchal
Ronak Goenka
Akshay Nair
3.Aditiya Keny
Sujit Yadav
Suyash Pandey
Hrishikesh Manjrekar

Importance of Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurs can change the way we live and work. If successful, their innovations may improve our standard of living, and in addition to creating wealth with their entrepreneurial ventures, they also create jobs and the conditions for a prosperous society. Entrepreneurship is more than starting a new business, it is a way of living with an attitude, facing all situations as opportunities to learn, discover, create, explore and make the world a better place. And also looking at the world with opportunity oriented mindset.
The Seminar was delivered by Mr.Hemant Kasturiwale(Associate Professor ETRX)

Mini Project Exhibition

The project exhibition was conducted in the even semester of A.Y. 2017-18 for TE and SE students as a part of their curriculum under the syllabus of Mumbai University. There were in all 21 project groups. Developing a project gives hands on practice for the domains studied in engineering.
Following were the domains of the project:
1. Embedded Systems and Design
2. Electronic Devices & Circuits Modeling & Simulation
3. Industrial Automation & Control, Instrumentation,
4. Digital System Design & VLSI
5. Signal Processing & Applications
The Event was judged by Mr.Manish Yadav(External,Capjemini),Mr.Bhushan Nemade(AssistantProfessor IT), Mr.Anand Khandare(Assistant Professor,Cmpn), Mr. Rupesh Deshbhratar(Associate Professor Mech) and Mr. Aaditya Desai(Associate Prefessor IT)